
Suggest a Moive

MovieJunkie introduces back to the world amazing but overlooked efforts: good films that went unnoticed and which users will love discovering.

Most of our suggestions come from users like you. We have a tradition of reviews that sound like a friend telling you about the great movie they just watched. This means that we try to give a general feel of the film, avoiding excessive synopsis descriptions, talk about actors & directors, etc. Here you can carry on with that tradition and tell the world about a movie you love too.

Movie suggestions should preferably meet the following conditions:

1-The movie should addictive to watch!

2-At least a 7 rating on IMDb and 70% on Rotten Tomatoes There's some wiggle room for this, but remember, we're looking for good movies and not so-bad-they're-good movies.

3-Share something that'll make us a MovieJunkie!.

Thanks for the submission!